With the passage of time, an increase in buying power of consumers proportionally increases demand for high-quality consumer goods at a reasonable cost. To meet this demand, an equivalent level of efficiency in terms of output from the manufacturing team is also required therefore, needless to say, the expected result can be achieved through breakthroughs in IT, specifically in IoT & Big Data Analytics.

Along with technological advancement in manufacturing, smart technologies play a significant role in optimizing the efficiency of the supply chain department for an industry.

Contributions made by Big Data in the manufacturing industry:

  • Internet Infrastructure
  • Data Storage
  • Computation power
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Industrial Internet is an everchanging landscape!

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Industrial Internet - Union of Softwares & Big Machines

Industrial Internet is a solution that brings characteristics of both web (modularity, abstraction, software, above the level of a single device) and physical settings at one platform. It is like imagining all the information systems, employees, machines, tools, and monitoring systems in the company like nodes on a network that are connected to an internet connection. When speaking of IIOT(Industrial Internet of things), it means to equip assets with sensors. The assets include things like parts in inventory, to the machines on the production line.